‘We are prepared to spend his first birthday in hospital, and that’s OK’- Laura on her Son Lennox

There can be so much confusion about suddenly being told you’ll have a child with half a heart when you’ve had healthy children in the past. Laura went through this feeling, even asking herself ‘I have two healthy boys, how can Lennox be so poorly’.
Lennox had his first surgery at 3 days old. Those 8 hours of waiting were ‘the hardest and most agonising’. Other complications can also follow as Lennox’s lung collapsed and was put on life support for 7 days.
Suddenly it all went quiet. Lennox’s heart stopped. He wasn’t breathing. Over half an hour later, when all hope seemed spent, Lennox’s eyes opened and he was able to see his mum again.
They spent that Christmas in intensive care but mum and dad still made it amazing for Lennox. At the time of Laura’s writing, Lennox had spent 330 days in intensive care. He just kept on smiling.
We are prepared to spend his first birthday in hospital, and that’s OK, as long as we get him home. That’s our only goal. We just want to be home together.