‘I Thought It Happened To Other People Far Away’- Maia on her son MacFhionnlaigh

Maia is the mother of MacFhionnlaigh, who has Hypoplastic Left Heart syndrome. She writes how Mac entering her and her family’s life has molded them into better people. He has taught them to laugh more, cry more, and to measure life by love and not years.
Maia is a Navy mum, meaning that whilst her husband is deployed, she’s raised four girls fairly independantly already! But she has had her share of sacrifices and difficulties. For example, the girls can’t bring their friends around just in case Mac picks up a virus or bug and Maia has not been able to socialize as much as she used to. Her biggest fear is Mac dying. He has even come close to it and has been written off. But Rebel is in his in his middle name (it really is) and Maia is certain that he lives up to it.
Their cardiologist has told them not to worry about the future too much, but to worry about the here and now; loving Mac and helping him grow and develop.
“I am empowered and there is nothing left to fear.”