‘I’m Just Your Typical Lad Or Monkey’- Enzo’s Story
Hello, my name is Enzo and I’m nine years old. I was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, also referred to as half a working heart. Here is a little
‘I Am Normal Like All The Other Children But I Am Different Inside’- Pearl’s Story
Hi, my name is Pearl. I am 7 years old and I was born with half a heart. I nearly died when I was a baby but the doctors saved
‘My Dodgy Heart’- Jago’s Story
ello. My name is Jago and I am 7 years old. I’ve got a bit of a dodgy heart and I’ve been in hospital a few times. I am going
‘My Mummy Was Told That I Had A Special Heart’- Dillon’s Story
When I was born my Mummy was told that I had a special heart that needed fixing. My Mummy says that I was very poorly and had a big operation