Youth Zone News
We are always trying to bring fun, informative opportunities and events to our LHM Youth Members and this is the place to be if you want to find out what they are! If any of you guys have good ideas for events, activities, opportunities or issues that we can face together, get in touch with Lexie!
Youth Champion Study
We want to hear your views about your experience of CHD services.
July Timetable
Fun evenings our youth members can enjoy from home with their LHM friends.
Stepping out of shielding
The information you our youth members wanted to make safe choices with your families about stepping out of shielding.
Lockdown Ball
LHM isolation ball for our youth members
EXER 2.6 Challenge
2.6 Challenge awesomeness from our youth members
Youth Council Covid Response
Learn how the coronavirus has impacted our youth members
LHM's brand new youth council
LHM isolation ball for our youth members
April Timetable
Fun evenings our youth members can enjoy from home with their LHM friends.
Youth Zone Covid Update
Here is the latest Coronavirus information as of 23.03.2020