LHM Youth Lifestyle Information – Staying safe online

The internet is a brilliant place to connect with other young people, access information and support, get creative and socialise. It has become a necessary part of life, however it is important to stay safe whilst online as there are many opportunities to find yourself in sticky situations.
Tips for staying safe online
• Think before you post
Remember that your online footprint is very difficult to erase, always think before you post. Never post or message anything you wouldn’t feel comfortable being shared, just in case it is.
• Stranger Danger
Only speak to people you know. The internet is accessible to people all across the world and not all of them are honest. If someone you don’t know tries to talk to you its best to ignore them.

• Ignore peer pressure
Some people might ask you to do or share things you are not comfortable with. Its okay to say no! Remember everything can be shared, the law can support us if we need it but your online footprint will still last.
• Trust your sources
Many young people use the internet to access important information and it can be a great place to do so, unfortunately it is also filled with misinformation. Always double check the site you’re on, do you trust them?
• Turn to the right people
If you feel like you need to report something or get some advice with something you have found uncomfortable with online it’s important to know who to turn to and that you’re not alone.
See below for more info.
Who to turn to?
There are organisations online that exist to help you keep safe, or get safe after something makes you feel uncomfortable.
They are not there to judge, just to help. You can find them below.
If you would like a chat with someone from LHM first we are always here for a chat.