LHM Youth Lifestyle Information – Exercise Tolerance Tests

Many of our youth members have now had an exercise tolerance test at the hospital. We are seeing it happen more and more in paediatric hospitals now, not just adult hospitals.
This is a really good test to keep an eye on your heart and how well it is functioning.
What does it look like?
An exercise tolerance test is an ECG but this time done on either a treadmill or static bike. So, you will have chest pads on as usual, a monitor on your finger and sometimes a mask.
What do I need to know?
- It’s a good idea to wear comfortable clothes and trainers
- The hospital team will collect information on your heart function before and after the test so that they can compare.
- You will be asked to use the treadmill or bike to the best of your ability. Do not go too slowly or overdo it, find the right pace that suits you but also gets your heart pumping.
- You will continue to have your heart monitored for up to 15 minutes after the test has finished so don’t worry if they don’t take all the equipment from you straight away.
We know that some young people don’t enjoy the exercise tolerance test (and some do!) but it’s a really effective test to make sure everything is working the way it should be.
The results of the test can show how fit you are now, but it can also help when planning how you can increase your fitness.