LHM Youth Lifestyle Information – Energy Drinks

It may seem that all the things that your friends are starting to try like drugs and alcohol are really dangerous for your heart, you might feel left out so you grab an energy drink to give you a little buzz, but these too are dangerous. Another name for energy drinks is ‘stimulant drinks’ and they come with similar risks as stimulant drugs, so it is best to avoid these too.

Like stimulant drugs these energy drinks cause and instant rise in blood pressure and heart rate which can be dangerous when you have half a working heart. Try and find an alternative drink that is tasty, trendy and not risky.

Getting all creative and making your own smoothies is fun but also increases your energy levels in a healthy way unlike energy drinks as they can provide calories to your body.


  • https://www.drugwise.org.uk/stimulants/


  • https://www.politics.co.uk/reference/cannabis/


  • https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/heart-health.html#:~:text=Marijuana%20can%20make%20the%20heart,pressure%20higher%20immediately%20after%20use.&text=It%20could%20also%20lead%20to,disease%2C%20and%20other%20vascular%20diseases


  • https://ash.org.uk/health-inequalities/youth-smoking#:~:text=Smoking%20rates%20among%2016%2D24,2000%20to%2015.7%25%20in%202020