LHM Youth Lifestyle Information – Cyber Bullying

The definition of cyber bullying is ‘sending, posting, or sharing negative harmful, false or mean content about someone else. It can include sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation. Some cyberbullying crosses the line into unlawful or criminal behaviour.
Cyber bullying is a really hard thing to go through, the impact is just as severe as in person bullying the only difference is that it can follow you wherever you go. We see that some of the LHM youth members unfortunately experience cyber bullying, people can be really mean and will use anything they find hard to understand or different to their norm when bullying. Unfortunately having half a working heart can fall into this category, it shouldn’t though.
No one deserves to be the victim of cyber bullying and you have the right to report to whoever you need to in order to get it to stop.

Little Hearts Matter works hard to ensure that there platforms are a safe space for all of our youth members, but we do know that people can feel bullied anywhere so we want you to know that our youth team offer a safe space that will be open to listen to any worries. We will work with you to make sure you feel safe in our digital spaces. Contact Lexie if you would like a chat about cyber bullying on the LHM youth hub by emailing lexie@lhm.org.uk
We can’t always help outside of the LHM digital world though so it’s important that you know where to get help with cyber bullying if you need it. Links are below.